Batman: The Brave and the Bold [2009] Season 1. Episodes 14-26


We expected more out of the second half of B:TBATB season 1.  We admit that the two-part Owlman finale of the first half was a hard act to follow.  However that was the task set before the producers; one upon which they only partially delivered.

The costume variant hijinks continued.  Victorian Batman above, and here what he wore

The costume variant hijinx continued. Victorian Batman at the top, and here an older version he wore with Dick Grayson's Robin. Note the different symbol, cape and belt. At this point we knew they were doing it for kicks - but producers should be wary of costume obsessing Bat-geeks.

There is homage to the 1960's Batman show.  Here are Adam West (Batman) and Burt Ward (Robin) in 2003.

There is continued homage to the 1960's Batman show. Here are Adam West (Batman) and Burt Ward (Robin) in 2003. Back in action together again in the humorous "Return to the Batcave" TV movie.

We like B:TBATB.  It took a couple episodes for us to get into the swing of it, but we did.  Batman’s well written adventures comprising episodes 1-13 remained surprisingly high quality throughout.  Consistency is no easy feat.

Black Canary is a hottie that can (and probably will) kick your butt if she finds you leering at her.

Black Canary is a hottie that can (and probably will) kick your butt if she catches you leering. Note: Batman studiously looking away.

We are also fans of the Batman character.  He is the embodiment of the non-superpowered guy hanging with the big boys.  An inspiration that way.  Through vigorous training, his wits and a utility belt full of bat equipment he stymies even the most overpowered villains.  But we know his limits.

Mongul is in DC's heaviest weight class.  He can go fisticuffs with Superman

Mongul is in DC's heaviest weight class. He can go fisticuffs with Superman, so we are glad they did not have Batman trying to do so. We like the new take on Mongul BTW, although you do not get too many hugs in an outfit like that.

Episodes 14-26 pushed Batman beyond those limits in certain ways which we feel stretched credulity too far.  (Yes, DC Comics Batman universe credulity.)  The fact that the Batmobile could turn into a transformer-like mech suit was fun, but pushed it a bit.  The Batmobile morphing into the Batplane was a stretch.

Yep.  The Batmobile is a Transformer.  (We rejected "Batbot", "Batmech" and "Batsformer".

Yep. The Batmobile is a Transformer. (We rejected "Batbot", "Batmech" and "Batsformer".

However, when episode 23 opens with an entertaining but out of character scene where Batman in his Bat-spaceship single-handedly disables two huge warring alien battle fleets, any sense of proportion was lost.  We like Bats playing a role in the Justice League, but he is firstly the dark street avenger striking fear into the hearts of “cowardly superstitious” criminals.  He is not the space faring Green Lantern.

... What the--?   A little much, don't you think?

... What the--? ...Where did--?! *sigh* A little much, don't you think?

The dep[iction of Warworld seems to have been strongly influenced by the Superman Returns Videogame version.

The depiction of Warworld seems to have been strongly influenced by the Superman Returns Videogame version. (This looks a little like our Fortress Takes media room.)

Warworld as seen in Superman Return the Videogame.  Warworld was appealing and one of the (few) good parts of that game.

Warworld as seen in Superman Return the Videogame. The Warworld level was appealing and one of the (few) exemplary parts of that game.

Episodes 14-26 built upon the foundation of those that came before with decent albeit smaller roles for returning heroes Aquaman, Blue Beetle, Green Arrow, and a few others.  They play it up like Seinfeld in some ways.  Batman is the normal “Jerry” surrounded by a comical assortment of nuts.



As far as one liners went, these episodes may have been better than the first 13, however regarding the episodes as a whole the writing definitely worsened.  5th dimension idiots and especially dream plots should be used sparingly or not at all.  Authors and publishers have finally learned this lesson.  B:TBATB has not, and even lowered themselves by not only having one, but two.


Thankfully, these two were real.

The first was the most disappointing episode of the season involving Myxlptylk -er, I mean Batmite.  Paul Dini has never disappointed us like he did with this annoying stinker.  The other was the non-finale involving the contrived loser Psycho Pirate.  We do not care if you say the consequences of a dream are real, dreams do not have to follow any rules and they kill a lot of drama because of it.

5th dimension stupidity was this episode's excuse for "Costumes Gone Wild!"

The Kamadi episode was entertaining, but depressing.  Is that an alternate future or is Batman completely uncaring about a horrid dismal future for mankind as mind numbed slaves to tiger and ape men?

Dr. Fate has a revered spot on the "cool shelf" in the Fortress. (No, it is not the "cool shelf" because it is made of ice - hmm, like a lot of stuff around here...)

Dr. Fate has a revered spot on the "cool shelf" in the Fortress. (No, it is not the "cool shelf" because it is made of ice - hmm, like a lot of stuff around here...)


The Equinox plot was the closest episodes 14-26 had to an arc.  We saw Equinox early on, but he seemed like a pretentious underpowered goon with no abilities but acute luck.  His final appearance in episode 24 displayed him as uber powerful; annoyingly so.  His powers did too many things with no apparent limits.  Knowing attacks before they happen, and even melting Batman’s N’th metal knuckles.  You know how hard it is to get N’th metal?

"My costume is half black and half white.  I wear a yin-yang symbol,  Get it?  Equinox?  Get it?"

"My costume is half black, half white. I'm wearing a yin-yang symbol. Get it? 'Equinox'. I'm clever."

The Fate of Equinox felt as close as 14-26 were going to get to a season finale.  It was not the best, but it was decent.  Unfortunately there were still two more episodes to go in the season!  A bad spot of timing old chap.  If you enjoyed the first half, you will still enjoy the latter, just to a lesser extent.


12 heroes power's combined into one awesome mega-superhero. (That is of course if you count Plastic Man as a hero...) It was also the producer's way of throwing in one final costume variant.

Batman: The Brave and the Bold Season 1 part 1

Batman: The Brave and the Bold Season 1 part 2

Batman: The Brave and the Bold  Season 2

Batman: The Brave and the Bold Season 3

Check out our other Batman takes:

Superman/Batman: Apocalypse [2010]

Batman: Under the Red Hood [2010]

Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman [2003]

Superman/Batman: Public Enemies [2009]

3 thoughts on “Batman: The Brave and the Bold [2009] Season 1. Episodes 14-26

  1. Thank you!!!!! some one needs to set some of the records straight and tell these people that BATMAN IS NOT A KEN DOLL TO DRESS UP IN ANYTHING THEY WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyway your right 😀

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