Ben 10: Alien Force [2008] Season 1. 13 Episodes


Ben 10: Alien Force (B10AF) is the sequel to the popular Ben 10 series that ran for 4 seasons.  Where Ben 10 was a fresh new idea and generally a series with a bright disposition,   B10AF moves the series 5 years into a darker and more mature future.  This is not a bad thing.  The series was ready for an upgrade and the viewers and fans were also maturing.

When Gwen is not acing exams or getting another black belt, she likes to wield incredibly versatile energy powers (and take long walks on the beach).

When Gwen is not acing exams or getting another black belt, she likes to wield incredibly versatile energy powers ( – and long walks on the beach).

Turning into a bunch of aliens is no help on the dating front.

Turning into a bunch of aliens is no help on the dating front.

The series is run by the enigmatically titled “Man of Action”, a group of 4 individuals who IMO are not only rather creative, but successful television producers.  The latter being a difficult art in its own right.  They did not hold too tightly to their own creation’s continuity when remaking the franchise into B10AF. During the original series we got glimpses of the future which seen through the light of B10AF may or may not be able to come true now.

With the show now revolving around three unusually powered teenagers, the producers felt that original series mainstay and anchor, the grandfather Max, needed to be out of the way.  I like the Max character.  While I agree he does not fit the B10AF dynamic, the show is poorer for his absence.  His final exit midway through the series thankfully leaves room for a possible return.

The ancient order of Forever Knights (that's a pun, get it?) are back.  More one dimensional now, I miss their former huge armored mystery leader.

The ancient order of Forever Knights (that’s a pun, get it?) are back. More one dimensional now, I miss their former huge armored mystery leader.

Even with 1/4 alien blood, split ends can still be a problem.

Even with 1/4 alien blood, split ends can still be a problem.

Ben uses an alien device on his wrist to transform into 10 powerful alien forms.  For the sake of freshness, and with little explanation the device changes its look and now provides 10 completely different alien form options.  The good news is ones you did not care for are no longer an issue.  Of course, the ones you liked are not back either.  (I miss the tough-guy Diamondhead.)  That said, some of the new forms are interesting and the last one introduced in episode 13, Alien X, is:

  1. Downright strange
  2. Impossible to use
  3. And incredibly overpowered – all at the same time.

Ben is joined by his cousin Gwen, who is the whole package.  Smart, a very good martial artist, and adept at powers we now find to be derived from her part alien heritage rather than magic.  In a great casting decision Ben’s rival from the original series, Kevin Levin (“Kevin Eleven“), is the third member of the powered trio.  He brings the attitude, street smarts, and a bit of a romantic interest for Gwen  (lucky guy).

An original series glimpse of the future showed adult Gwen to have grown into quite a hottie.  Well B10AF shows her well on her way.

An original series glimpse of the future showed adult Gwen to have grown into quite a hottie. Well B10AF shows her well on her way.

Unlike the original, people seem to die or befall nearly as bad fates in B10AF.  It is not a show for young children.  That said its subject matter and plots are more dramatically diverse for older children, teens, and even adults (like we in the Fortress).

You never know where an episode of B10AF will take you.  In the season finale you will find the trio barreling down the corridors of a spaceship —  in Kevin’s classic car.  The Earth is one button press from destruction, and we all have to deal with the uber-powerful but frustratingly hamstrung Alien X for the first time.

The inscrutable Alien X.  Don't care for "inscrutable"?  How about arcane, baffling, or unfathomable?

The inscrutable Alien X. Don’t care for “inscrutable”? How about arcane, baffling, or unfathomable?  (Yes, he is made of “space”.)

ben10se01_supp3If you liked the original Ben 10, you will likely enjoy B10AF after some adjustment.  If you are unfamiliar with the original or it was too “kiddy” for you, B10AF is worth checking out.  If you are looking for an unusual domestic show with a science fiction theme give it a try.

Check out our Ben 10 franchise takes:

Alien Force Season 1

Alien Force Season 2

Alien Force Season 3

Ultimate Alien Season 1

Ultimate Alien Season 2 (part 1)

Ultimate Alien Season 2 (Conclusion)

Ben 10: Destroy All Aliens


9 thoughts on “Ben 10: Alien Force [2008] Season 1. 13 Episodes

  1. I love this show. I only regret that I didn’t keep up with it until now. The original Ben 10 was a great show, and I consider this a great continuation. And yes, Alien X is insufferable.

  2. Hi.. Thanks for the visit. My son and I are still fans, though we miss some of the episodes because Cartoon Network Philippines airs them on a school night. Thanks for posting a summary so we can keep up. I hope my son and I will, eventually. 🙂

  3. Er, Man of Action (who created Ben 10) had nothing to do with Alien Force or Ultimate Alien; the show runner status was given to Glen Murakami and the late Dwayne McDuffie instead. So don’t blame MOA for not sticking to continuity.

    • We cannot confirm what you say, but it fits the very different feel of Alien Force and Ultimate Alien. While we know the show had to evolve with its maturing audience, consistency can still be applied. Example: The Ben 10,000 retcon.

      Ben 10 is an interesting and laudable franchise in many ways. We will take the gifts with the misses. But they need to keep continuity in both character and timeline in mind.

      What's in this Ben 10 giftbox?

    • Definitely two different shows with different target audiences. People grow up, and the Ben Ten franchise stayed relevant to a maturing audience with the evolution of the series. Of course, both series had their ups and downs.

      • The reason that I like Ben10: Alien Force more than its prequel is because it’s darker, more, mature, and more serious. In fact, funny stuff doesn’t bode well with me anymore.

        But I just hate the fact that Ben regressed and went back to his funny and immature self later on.

      • The biggest problem with the Ben character is Ben himself. His personality can really rub one the wrong way at times. But we suppose that a powerful lead character needs some faults. But do those faults have to make him annoying? Can’t he just be afraid of spiders or something? 😉

  4. There’s no doubt that Gwen’s more attractive in the first and second seasons of Ben 10: Alien Force. But I like her more for her heroism than her looks.

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